As previously posted, #3 on my list is to do a sprint triathlon (Lake Anna, Oct 3). But before this list was ever created (and before the break up ever happened), my coworkers sent me info on a super sprint triathlon in Manassas, VA on August 8 with a pool swim. So I signed up thinking I would do this with my colleagues and then ended up as the only one doing it. So here I am 2 days away from my first triathlon and still terrified of the pool swim. I didn't seek out friend support thinking, "oh it's such a little tiny triathlon, it's no big deal...not worth dragging people all the way out to an hour outside of DC." But with multiple emails desperately seeking volunteers (if you're free Sunday morning, please click on the previous hyperlink!) to help make the race safe for participants, particularly targeting friends and relatives of the participants, it was then that I realized how helpful it would be to have some support - too bad I realized this so late! There's a balance between wanting to do things for yourself and still having people in your life share those moments with you. I used to think it had to be with that special someone but just having a friend (thanks, Laura!) is still a special someone. Thanks to everyone who has wished me good wishes for the race these last couple days!
Updated training schedule! I apparently underestimated the super sprint tri distance and started to put mileage in for my runs so that by mid-August I'll be overlapping with my 10-week training program for the Army Ten Miler (Oct 24). **phew** Exhausted just looking at it.
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